SimonSAYS Essays


Will Open AI - ChatGPT take my job?

However, AI is a powerful tool, a formidable weapon. In the hands of a Copywriter, AI is a revolutionary tool to amplify my skills and create value. The key lies in leveraging the strengths of both human copywriting and AI to create increasingly masterful copy that resonates deeply with audiences.
| By Megan Thatcher, a recently qualified Copywriter.


  1. 02

    How to Create an Effective Google Ad Campaign

    If your company doesn't currently use Google Ads or to the full extent of its capabilities, then you are missing out on a broad reach of potential customers. Here are four essential tips on how to create a successful Google Ads campaign.
    | By SS

  2. 03

    Everything Has Changed – A Walkthrough of our New Look & Feel

    We moved further into the digital space – the future of media and marketing. But there are certain traditions that we cannot leave behind.
    | By SS

  3. 04

    What is SEO & What makes a good SEO Strategy?

    In this blog, we look at the three essential elements for creating a successful SEO strategy to make sure that your target audience can find you online.
    | By SS

  4. 05

    Marketing Strategies & Trends: A New Reality for your Industry

    With such wild changes in our daily lifestyles over the last few months because of COVID-19, we’ve put together some trends and themes to consider for your business as you go forward and work on your new marketing strategies.
    | By SS

  5. 06

    What is Video Marketing & Why do you need it for your Business?

    With any creative marketing campaign incorporating video marketing into the mix is sure to yield great results.
    | By SS

  6. 07

    Print is not Dead –Here’s Why

    The digital revolution, also known as the third industrial revolution, has hit the print media and publishing industry extremely hard. And with the closure of so many big names in the business, headlines about the death of the print industry are becoming more and more common.
    | By SS